Please fill out this form to request new or replacement vehicle stickers if your household already has an security account in the Brick Landing Gatehouse security tool.
Purchase a new car and need a new window sticker for the car, with either a new license plate or a transfer of an existing license plate
Delete a car no longer in your household
Need to replace an existing tag on a vehicle already listed in your BL security profile
Have a new license number to update on an existing vehicle
Additional stickers, whether for replacement or a new vehicle are $20/credential. Old stickers will be deactivated. Credentials can be now be purchased by credit or debit cards! - The form will take you to a payments page.
Once payment is complete it may take our all volunteer staff a few days to prepare the new credentials. They are prepared a minimum of once a week. You will receive an email when the credential is ready to be picked up and the pickup place.
If you have lost your white access card, please use this link to request a new card: